Wednesday 15 June 2016

Rheumatologist Conclusion

I had my follow up appointment with my rheumatologist Dr Andrew Harrison. Based on my list of body complaints (symptoms) and blood results:

+ ANA Speckled (always)
+ Lupus Anticoagulant (when in a flare)
Complement C3C Low
Complement C4 Low

he has diagnosed me with Lupus. So there you go!

He spoke about what we'll do during this pregnancy and is really calm and relaxed about all approaches so I feel very at ease in his care.

This is the short of it:

Plan A: Continue with the aspirin, seems to be working.
Plan B: If baby growth is questionable start daily heparin injections.

Follow up before birth to check blood work, stress dose of steroids during labor an option.
Start hydroxychloroquine after birth to help lupus symptoms.

I am not surprised or upset by the diagnosis, I mean obviously I've always had it so now it just means I'll receive care, rather than having 20 perplexed doctors tell me they can't find anything wrong and basically make me feel crazy.

Happy Days.

Currently CD120 / 105DPO

Tuesday 7 June 2016

So far to go

A few months behind...

The short on updates:

Scan Update #4

Scan number 4 was at 11 weeks exactly and baby was measuring 11 weeks exactly. Miracles do happen <3 Heart still beating, baby rolling around and movements have been intermittently felt since 9w3d.

Scan Update #5

Scan number 5 was at 13 weeks exactly, I didn't get the measurement was too focused on the NT Scan (Nuchal Translucency scan, first trimester combined screening) details. Good nasal bone, fluid measurement at the back of the head was less than 2 mm (0.164 cm). We found out the gender :) our sonographer, Sally Agar from Valley Ultrasound is excellent, her measurements are always spot on (told us our son's weight exactly, 3 days before he was born) and she is very experienced and professional, highly recommend.

Scan Update #6

Scan number 6 was an impromptu scan (14w4d) while we (hubby and I with our MW) were at our OB appointment. I was needing reassurance as after feeling quite a bit of movement from baby for the last 2 weeks and then felt nothing. Cheeky baby had moved, still lot's of room in there to hide. I did only ask to hear the heartbeat on the doppler, but since Dr Cook had a portable scanner (what is the actual name?!) in his office, he offered. Anyway, picture wasn't great, but baby was wriggling around happy enough.

Placenta is growing at the top/back of my uterus. Hoping this will protect my ribs this time around!

Next scan is at 20 weeks exactly. 5.5 weeks from my last scan. The longest wait yet. Thankfully I have been feeling movement again and last night felt movement strong enough to bump my hand. Then will be the next longest wait, 8 weeks; fortnightly scans start at 28 weeks to 38 weeks to monitor growth. Bringing the total number of scans to 13, provided everything goes to plan. (I had 8 with my son, due to spotting, then hemorrhaging, growth scans, fluid checking).

4 weeks until I see you again.

Currently CD112 / 97DPO