Thursday 31 March 2016

Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy

So I had two New Year's resolutions, I will address the first one in this post.

The first goal was to sort out my infertility. I was convinced I was rendered infertile after my D&C in April 2015. I was convinced it was due to scar tissue and that I had Asherman's Syndrome.

I went to a GP, Dr David Heard to ask for a referral to see a specialist. I won't be seeing him again. GP's are excellent at regular health issues, but as soon as you step outside of the norm they seem to dislike seeing outside the square and the fact this is beyond their knowledge. He told me my cycles looked normal (durr, I knew that), he said it looked like I was ovulating (durr, I was certain of it), told me it was normal to miscarry and have D&C's his wife had 3 of them and she was fine (I am not your wife buddy, don't quote stats to me I know the book off by heart), told me it was a waste of money and time but I could do whatever I wanted with my own (I fully intended to, thanks for your input, not). He seemed to find the idea of being infertile impossible if a cycle looked 'normal'.

In the end he said he would refer me to Dr David Cook (OB-GYN) at my expense, and he did.

I however started doing my own research, I cancelled the appointment with Dr Cook and self referred to Dr Andrew Murray FRANZCOG, CREI. Luckily he doesn't require a referral from a GP (thank goodness, and I actually don't understand why some do - if someone wants to spend money going to a specialist, they are going to think good and long about it before they do, it's heavy on the wallet - unless you have insurance).

Dr Murray is a legend in New Zealand for his work in infertility, he specialises in advanced operative laparoscopy. In forums and support groups I've seen him referred to by many names, McDreamy, Silver Fox, Dr Beautiful and Mr McHotty. I think it's safe to say it doesn't matter how 'good looking' you are, you have to be exceptional at your job to get your genetic lottery acknowledged to that level!

After talking to Dr Murray's PA she booked me in super quick and I had an consultation appointment on the 15th of January. This was the best doctor appointment I've had in my life. Dr Murray listened to my husband and I, he took in our whole journey and created a plan of action right away. After I left feeling overwhelmed with confidence in a medical professional finally, I realised I had forgotten a question, I emailed his PA and she responded quickly and put my questions to rest. I cannot praise Dry Murray or his team enough, after even just the initial contact and first appointment.

I was given forms for Day 2 and Day 21 Bloods and booked in for a laparoscopy and hysteroscopy scheduled on the 1st of February.

Day 2 Bloods included:
CBC, Hep B, Hep C, H.I.V, VDRL and TPHA, Rubella, Blood Group, Red Cell Antibodies, Glucose - HbA1C, Thyroid - T.S.H, F.S.H, Oestradiol and Prolactin.

Day 2 bloods all came back normal except for my usual antinuclear antibodies, Positive 1:160 A - homogeneous/speckled and a new abnormal result of showing a low thyroid stimulating hormone. Both of these are borderline and not questionable on their own (that's another story to do with NY's resolution #2).

Day 21 Bloods:
Progesterone. Result on the 10th of March was: 51.0 (this is a good number and shows I ovulated)

The surgery was a great success, short story first, I was right, I was rendered infertile after my D&C 10 months prior to this surgery and I did have scar tissue. But it turns out I had had an infection (hence the pain and thinking I was dying in the first 76 day cycle after the D&C which was falsely diagnosed and passed off as a ovarian cyst). The infection had caused scar tissue to form outside my uterus, interfering with my ovaries, tubes and bowels. Luckily, thankfully, as the scar tissue was all on the outside of my uterus I did NOT have Asherman's as that is classified only as scar tissue within the uterus and is by far harder to treat and repair.

Dr Andrew Murray was able to successfully clean out the scar tissue and put everything back where it belonged (my ovaries and tubes especially as they were stuck in the wrong places).

I also had endometriosis (in two areas, Stage 2 and Stage 3), who knew! Well I've always had bad period pain but for some reason assumed it was never as bad as others.

Surgery Note:
Significant and server adhesions were confirmed. These involved both tubes and ovaries with the ovaries both stuck to the pelvic sidewall. On the right hand side in particular the right tube and ovary were buried under adhesions. On the left hand side the descending colon was also adherent to the tuboovarian complex with adhesions. The adhesions looked to be due to some form of previous infective or inflammatory process.

We were given the all clear to TTC right away, Dr Murray was confident our infertility problem was solved! Four weeks after the surgery we had a follow up appointment where everything was explained in more detail. We left the office under recommendation to come back in 6 months (August 2016). If we were not pregnant by then, IVF and PGS (Pre-Implantation Genetic Screening, an IVF procedure designed to examine your embryos for chromosomal abnormalities - thinking this could help with my recurrent loss issues also) were possibilities for our future. I was confident we would be pregnant before August and left the office ecstatic.

I am currently CD44 / 29DPO
I got my BFP at 10DPO on the 13th of March
EDD 24 November 2016, a spring baby <3

This was the first cycle after the operation with Dr Murray. I ovulated on the 3rd of March, although I am wondering if the egg was not fertilised until the next day with our early morning tryst. So baby could be a day behind.

My bloods are lower than my 'usual', I am hoping it is a combination of being 1 day out and also the placenta not having to fight my blood clotting due to now taking aspirin.

The results so far are:
3w6d: 79
4w1d: 233
5w: 2928

They are still within the normal statistical range:
Early hCG Levels by Week

I have my first scan today, today I will find out if the baby's growth is on track. With my 3 MMC the growth is always up to a week behind. I can handle 1 day, maybe 2. Anymore than that and my hope will be dashed.

Come on universe, let this little baby thrive. Please.

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